Sunday, July 6, 2008

TVB: Journey to the West 1

English Title: Journey To The West

Vietnamese Title: Tây Du Ký

Year: 1996 by TVB

Dicky Cheung --- Sun Wukong
Kong Wah ------- Tripitaka
Wayne Lai ------- Pigsy
Evergreen Mak -- Sand Monk
Marianne Chan -- White Bone Demon
Angie Cheung --- Spider Demon
Rain Lau Yuk ---- Spider Demon
Rebecca Chan --- Iron Fan Princess

Well, this movie start out with how Sun Wu kong was born, out of a rock. The Jade Emperor was very angry with the new giant monkey. So he ordered Pigsy to go down and stopped this monkey (Wukong) from destroying the island. Pigsy accidentally chopped the monkey's tail and so the monkey was defeated. Just when Pigsy was about to kill the monkey, Kuan Yin (the goddess of mercy) came down and told Pigsy to spare the monkey's life. With Kuan Yin help, the monkey was still alive and free to go about his business.

The small monkey found his kinds and live among them in Water Curtain Cave as their king. Then one day an old monkey died. The monkey king afraid that one day he too will die and so he decided to go to a nearby island where he heard that there are gods there that could teach him to be immortal. The small monkey used a raft made of coconuts to go to that island. On the island he learn how to talk in human language. He learn how to walk on two feet. With the help of a dragon he was brought to an old man place. He heard this old man know the art of immortality and so he beg the man to teach him. The old man refused saying that the monkey wasn't a child of anyone. The monkey argued with the man that the sky is his father and earth is his mother. The old man finally accepted the monkey and he gave monkey a name, Sun Wu Kong. One day when the kids were supposed to pick their choice of which skill they want to learn, Wu Kong say that he wants to learn how to be immortal. His teacher told him that he had to be burn by fire, struck by lightning, and freeze to death by cold wind for 49 times a day. Wu Kong didn't care. He is willing to take that risk. And so for about 100 years Wu Kong learned the 72 transformations and immortality from his teacher in the World of Illusions. He also learned how to summon the Somersault Cloud. With one somersault he can travel to about 108,000 li. After he left his teacher he goes back to his home island where he met his 2 old friends, Bull Demon and Iron Fan Princess. With a little misunderstanding, Wu Kong was taking down to hell. He was so angry, that he tore all the books that record all people's deaths. So from then on he and his monkey kind can't die.

A little while after, there was a disturbance under the eastern sea. It flooded the Flower and Fruit mountain, killing lots of monkeys. Wu Kong was angry that he went down under the sea to see what is going on. There he found a giant cudgel that is trying to break lose to find its old master, which cause the flood. Wu Kong pick the cudgel up and toss it in the sky. He went back home. The cudgel follow him home and from then on the cudgel was his weapon.

The King of the eastern sea reported to the Jade Emperor that Wu Kong has taken his cudgel. The King of Hell also went to heaven and reported to the Jade Emperor that Wu Kong went down to hell, create chaos and ripped off all the books of death. The Jade Emperor was very angry. He was about to order his armies to capture Wu Kong but the prime minister stop him. He said that Wu Kong can be tamed. So the Jade Emperor gave Wu Kong a job, the guardian of the heavenly stable. Wu Kong thought that it was so cool at first. Because his job title has 3 words he thought that it means that it is a good position, the lesser the word the better the position. Later he found out that it is not and he return back to earth and declare himself the Great Sage Equal of Heaven. When the Jade Emperor heard of Wu Kong return back to earth without consent, he was very angry. He was about to order his armies to capture Wu Kong, but the prime minister stop him again. This time he told the Jade Emperor to give Wu Kong the job title the Great Sage Equal of Heaven. This is just the title but without power. He can assign two men to watch over Wu Kong and teach Wu Kong proper etiquette. So the Jade Emperor give Wu Kong another chance. Sun Wu Kong didn't know about this trickery until later when the 3 eyes god, Erlang told him. You can imagine Wu Kong blood is boil. :) He went to the Jade Empress's party and wreac chaos there. He eat all the immortal peaches and drink all the wines. When the Jade Emperor found out, he order his army lead by Erlang to capture Wu Kong. The Prime Minister can't stop him this time.

No one can capture Wu Kong. Erlang power only match his 72 transformation powers.

to be continue...

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