Friday, July 11, 2008

Fu Xing Gao Zhao Zhu Ba Jie

Huang Hai Bing, Elvis Tsui, Gao Hong Xian, Li zong han, han xue, jin qiao qiao, hu don, xie jia ning

I really do not remember what this series is about. But I do remember that I didn't like it much when I watch it several years ago. ^___^

At first I rented it because it's about Zhu Ba Jie. Thought it will be some sort of comedy. And with Ba Jie, there will be Monkey King... hehehe... so that's why I rented in the first place. But to my disappointment, it was a very sad movie. All it talks about was Ba Jie's romance life. All it does was talking and talking... nothing to make you laugh, no fighting much, no action. I was waiting and waiting for MOnkey King to come to save the day... and when he finally appear on scene... ***sigh*** he's so so not what I hope he would be. =(

This series, to me, sucks. That's because I hate watching romance movies. ^___^ That's why I don't like Quest for the Sutra, even though Dicky play a very hot Monkey King. hehehehehehe....
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