Thursday, July 3, 2008

Site's design

I created this layout last night. The layout is not GREAT. I love this color blue, my favorite color. But I can't find a Zhu Ba Jie's pic that would goes nicely with this blue. =( This is the only Zhu Ba Jie's pic that I have right now that is in full size. I try to do some screen capture. Too bad it's so blurry. It's a little weird because the DVD I have is very clear. Maybe because the movie is in motion while taking the picture. ^__^ Oh well... I don't have much access to my computer during the week... so.... ***sigh*** This will do for now.

That Ba Jie's pic is in GIF, so the picture's quality is poorer than the original JPEG. And I also haven't erase out the background smoothly. It's still jagged if you look at the edge.

I give myself a 2 stars.

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